
Summary of knowledge on commonly used deoxidizers for cast steel smelting(一)

Oct 31, 2024


Common deoxidizers for cast steel smelting usually include: aluminum, calcium, manganese, silicon, titanium, rare earth, etc. Aluminum (Al) Final deoxidizer, deoxidation product Al2O3, melting point 2050℃, hardness HV3000. Calcium (Ca)      Final deoxidizer, deoxidation product CaO, melting point 2600℃. Manganese (Mn) is generally used as a deoxidizer in the middle or end of the melting process. excerpt …

Common deoxidizers for cast steel smelting usually include: aluminum, calcium, manganese, silicon, titanium, rare earth, etc.

Aluminum (Al) Final deoxidizer, deoxidation product Al2O3, melting point 2050℃, hardness HV3000.

  1. Advantages
    A. Strong deoxidation power;
    B. Cheap price;
    C. Convenient operation;
    D. Less smoke ash, which can be left to prevent secondary oxidation.
  2. Disadvantages
    A. Forms grain boundary AlN with N, causing embrittlement of castings (precipitation temperature below 1150℃), and the thicker the casting, the easier it is to produce;
    B. Deoxidation product, high melting point, high hardness, affects the fluidity of molten steel and the processability of castings, and is small and not easy to float;
    C. The general addition amount (about 0.1%) is easy to form type II sulfide, which is not good for the mechanical properties of castings (especially toughness).
  3. Improvement of shortcomings
    A. Control the residual aluminum content between 0.03% and 0.07% (the oxidation loss of aluminum is about 50%, so the amount of aluminum added is about 0.1%). Thick castings should be reduced as appropriate.
    B. Use Zr or Ti to remove N first, and then add Al (ZrN or TiN is less harmful).
    C. Add Ca after Al to form calcium aluminate (CaO·Al2O3·SiO2) with a low melting point (1400℃). To improve fluidity and processability (hardness HV1200), at the same time, it can form type I oxysulfide to improve mechanical properties (especially toughness).

Calcium (Ca)      Final deoxidizer, deoxidation product CaO, melting point 2600℃.

  1. Advantages
    A. Strong oxidizing property, so it can form stable oxides;
    B. Added after Al is added, it can improve the deficiency of Al2O3;
    C. Rapid deoxidation reaction;
    D. Promotes type I sulfide and improves mechanical properties (especially impact value);
    E. Not only deoxidation, but also desulfurization;
    F. Used in combination with dense cerium alloy, it can reduce the tendency of castings to hot crack.
  2. Disadvantages
    A. Low boiling point (1492℃), so it is easy to volatilize, the effective action time is short (60~90s), it is not easy to remain and cannot prevent secondary oxidation during pouring;
    B. Pure metal is not easy to store (easy to oxidize), generally alloys, the most common is Ca-Si;
    C. Low solubility in molten steel, so it cannot be deoxidized by itself.
  3. Improvement of Disadvantages
    A. Make alloys to reduce volatility, such as CaSiBa, CaSiBaAl;
    B. Austenitic stainless steel, heat-resistant steel, and high manganese steel have high contents of: Ni, Mn, which can increase their solubility, and calcium can be used alone for deoxidation (that is, not with aluminum).

Manganese (Mn) is generally used as a deoxidizer in the middle or end of the melting process.

  1. Advantages
    A. It is a deoxidizer and a good desulfurizer. It can convert low-melting FeS (1200℃) into high-melting MnS (1600℃) to reduce hot brittleness;
    B. It can increase the toughness of steel (grain refinement effect), and Si can also have a similar effect;
    C. The deoxidation product MnO is harmless to processability;
    D. It is beneficial to inhibit the formation of pinholes.
  2. Disadvantages
    A. The deoxidation power is insufficient, so other strong deoxidizers, such as Al, Ca, Ti, etc., are often added;
    B. When the manganese content is too high, the molten steel is easy to corrode the sand mold and produce inclusions 2Mn+SiO→2MnO+Si

Silicon (Si) Like Mn, it is generally used as a deoxidizer in the middle or end of the melting process.

A. High content is harmful to welding performance (easy to crack, regardless of carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel);
B. Deoxidation product SiO2 is not conducive to processability.

A. Stronger deoxidizing power than Mn;
B. Increases the fluidity of molten steel;
C. Improves the corrosion resistance and high temperature strength of steel.