
What are the factors that slow down the start-up speed of rolling mill equipment?

Nov 16, 2024


The start-up speed of rolling mill equipment during operation plays an important role in the efficient operation of the rolling mill. If the start-up speed of rolling mill equipment is slow when preparing for operation, it will not only seriously affect the working efficiency of the rolling mill, but also the force between the billet excerpt …

The start-up speed of rolling mill equipment during operation plays an important role in the efficient operation of the rolling mill. If the start-up speed of rolling mill equipment is slow when preparing for operation, it will not only seriously affect the working efficiency of the rolling mill, but also the force between the billet or rolled product and the roller cannot reach a good state.
This shows that the rolling mill has obvious deficiencies in performance. The speed of the rolling mill when starting cannot be effectively improved, so the efficiency of the billet or rolled product will become lower and lower. For rolling mill equipment such as rolling mill, if it cannot be started quickly, it will produce larger billets, causing the rolling speed to slow down. Therefore, before the rolling mill is started, the power of the equipment motor, rolling speed, product specifications, hole type process, etc. must be verified first to ensure that the amount of billet transfer does not exceed the bearing capacity of the rolling equipment. Otherwise, it will cause the equipment to start slowly, and the rolling mill bearings must be checked to see if the bearings are fully lubricated. If the lubrication is insufficient, the start-up of the rolling mill will also slow down, or even fail.

What are the lubrication methods for rolling mills?

The basic methods of rolling mill lubrication are thin oil lubrication, dry oil lubrication and oil mist lubrication. Thin oil lubrication refers to the use of mineral oil (liquid lubricant) as a lubricant. Thin oil has fluidity and can adhere to the surface of the lubricated parts. It can also form fluid dynamic pressure to separate the friction surfaces from each other and take away the heat generated by friction from the friction surfaces. Thin oil has relatively stable performance and a certain anti-corrosion effect. However, thin oil is not easy to seal, and the lubricating surface of the equipment is easily invaded by impurities such as water and iron oxide.

Dry oil lubrication refers to the use of oil paste grease (also called butter) as a lubricant. Grease is a grease made of lubricating oil and thickener. In addition to lubricating properties, it has strong adhesion, so it has good protection performance and can also seal the friction surface to prevent metal corrosion and impurity invasion. After adding grease once, the equipment can operate for a period of time and is easy to use. However, the energy consumption during operation is greater than that of thin oil, and it is not suitable for high-speed equipment.

Oil mist lubrication is a new lubrication method. The lubricating oil is atomized into extremely small oil particles in the atomizer after filtration and compressed air. After that, the tiny oil particles are mixed with compressed air, and condensed into slightly larger oil droplets through pipes and condensation nozzles and sprayed onto the friction surface. Oil mist lubrication consumes less oil, requires a lower operating temperature, has a better lubrication effect, and has lower maintenance costs. However, oil mist lubrication has very high requirements for the sealing of steel rolling equipment, and also has strict requirements for oil quality and compressed air.