Due to the provisions of power supply policies in my country, the transformers used for industrial electricity are generally S7 and S9 transformers, with a secondary voltage output of 380V. The secondary output voltage of foreign industrial furnaces is 650-780V. It can be seen that if a special transformer dedicated to medium-frequency induction furnaces is excerpt …
What are the problems with energy saving in medium frequency induction furnaces? A. Selection of different capacities and frequencies. B. Matching of rated power. C. The influence of the purity and carrying area of the induction coil and water cable on power consumption. D. The influence of scale and how to deal with it. E. excerpt …
3.2 Control of S and N3.2.1 Control of w(S)There is no S source for smelting cast iron in medium frequency furnace, and the w(S) content of molten iron is low. Therefore, it has great advantages for producing ductile iron, but for gray cast iron, low S and high Mn will increase casting stress, greatly increase excerpt …
Overview:SCR intermediate frequency power supply device, referred to as SCR intermediate frequency device, is a power supply device that uses the switching characteristics of SCR to convert 50Hz power frequency current into intermediate frequency current. It is mainly used in induction melting, induction heating, induction quenching and other fields. widely used in.Its advantages are:
1) Fault phenomenon: Frequent burnout of the thyristor original, after replacement, burned out Analysis: Refer to fault E) for additional introductions as follows: a. When the thyristor is turned off in reverse, the instantaneous glitch voltage subjected to the reverse voltage is too high, and the RC absorption is checked. b. The load is reduced excerpt …
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